: Services :
All over the Web, marketing and sales managers are realising that manual systems for managing their online offering could leave them vulnerable. For example, a PC worth Rs. 50,000 could mistakenly be displayed on the web for Rs. 5,000 resulting in a major embarassment and losses for your company.

With a Content Management System (CMS), it becomes very difficult for content assets to be on the site accidentally. Any updates must pass through commissioning, creation and one or more predefined signoff steps before the system will publish it. The resulting audit trail provides accountability for each action.

Many sites are now pulling content from, and pushing content to, systems run by other organisations, best handled by a CMS. At its simplest, this will allow you to pull headlines and articles from a relevant news site, or gain an income stream by syndicating your own material to other site. Alternatively, it could be a way to share product specifications, prices, marketing information and availability with suppliers and vendors.

Sites that are operated by a team distributed between offices, companies or even countries and notifying a participant of an assigned task becomes more complicated than calling across the room. The CMS could notify a participant by email, by SMS (mobile phone text messaging), by fax or even by auto-generated letter. Because all the major tools have a web interface, participants can perform their task and view its results from anywhere with web access. And with a sensible CMS security model, you can be sure that only authorised people can perform authorised tasks.

You can specify dates and times for the content to go live and be archived or removed, along with the contents target audience segments. You can also impose review dates to ensure that information is not simply left on the site to rot until a new product replaces it. The responsible area will need to rubberstamp the content as still valid, commission a replacement or archive/ delete it. If content is removed or archived, the CMS will ensure that the remaining content is still structurally consistent, without leaving orphaned links to the deleted asset.

Introducing a Content Management System is no small matter for an eBusiness, it is a strategic tool. With Content Management Service you will crystallize the Content Management Process and resolve any inefficiencies, if required. In particular, our Content Managment Service will include:
  • Documenting automated, audited workflow/ signoff process
  • Templating the process in a CMS
  • Implementing a Roles-based security management
  • Scheduling launches and archiving old content
  • Integration with back office systems, if any
  • Creating scalability to ensure smooth operations
© 2010 2015 Design, concept & execution by CyberV@lley Solutions, Mumbai, India